...are going to be in Charlotte next year. And today the website, designed by yours truly, was launched. In a shameless attempt to bump the site's ranking on Google, I am posting the link here. If you happen to have a fencing website, feel free to link as well.
Fence Charlotte - 2008 Junior Olympics
I haven't felt terribly inspired to write lately, but I have been doing a lot of thinking about fencing lately. Stay tuned for assorted attempts to wrangle these thoughts into words.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Junior Olympics...
4:07 PM
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Topics: fencing news
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Belated update
So I won another tournament this past weekend. Like the last, it was small, but not without a reasonable amount of competition. I did in fact beat a D07 to win. A young energetic college boy D07 no less. It was a close bout all the way and the final score was 15-14. I nearly beat myself, however, because I had at least a two point lead most of the time and upon reaching 14-12, got a little over eager to end it. When the score hit 14-14 I thought I was going to throw up. Really. This has never happened to me before. I was balanced upon a rather precarious edge between simply scoring one more point and giving myself over to fear, like has happened so many times before. It was solely a triumph of will that allowed me to keep my cool and get the last point.
I have had some other thoughts lately besides about tournaments and I will try to post them soon.
9:56 AM
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Topics: self-analysis, tournaments